PRM Manager For Airports
PRM Manager is currently supporting Assisted services in 18 Airports across Europe and North American. Our software solution fundamentally provides transparency, control and operational efficiency to one of the most complex airport operations.

Features Delivered in the Core PRM Manager

Passenger Delay Monitor
The Passenger Delay Monitor provides airport operators with a real-time view of current passenger assistance delays

Ozion Analytics
Industry leading pre, live and post operation querying tools to interrogate operational performance

Passenger Monitoring
Through PDA Passenger Monitoring the operation is continually aware of each passenger’s location.
+48 hour Forecasting
Airports are given visibility of next-day workloads projections based on airline notifications. With the Roster integration operations can adjust the planned roster with the suggested roster.
SLA Reporting
Access in-depth investigation into SLA performance and conformity across various parameters. Results and findings can be used to improve service levels and delivered as support material to the airport.
PRM Command Centre
The central area for dispatchers. Everything a dispatcher needs to ensure a smooth and timely operation is available from this screen including; Passenger status, flight details and quick agent allocation.
Airline Notifications
Dedication Airline Access
Data Integration
Through Data integration services PRM Manager becomes connected with the AODB, SITA and Roster planning to ensure full real-time processes and informational sharing is optimized.
Simple Dispatching
SSR Code Reporting
SSR Code Reporting provides a robust tool to interrogate passengers based on SSR codes across a variety of axis to identify pivotal characteristics and performance indicators potentially associated with the type of assistance requested
Automated Passenger Journey Creation
PRM manager converts passenger assistance requests into jobs and tasks. Each journey is compiled based on rules towards resources, airport layout, staffing etc to ensure the most efficient journey is created.
No-Show Reporting
Agent Productivity
Airports who run their own service can quantify the productivity of agents on shift and assess ROI and effectiveness of staff based on active versus non-active times during shifts.
Multi-provider tool
Airports utilizing the services of two or more providers benefit from a streamlined dashboard and tracking system to gain transparency and clarity on their performances.
Airports Extend PRM Manager with
Airport Mapping
Through Wayfinding and beacons Airports can see where assistance agents are in the airport at any given moment.
Resource Management
Resource Management tools allow operators to assess the efficiency of resource utlization and adjust accrodingly
Boardin Pass Scanning
Boarding Pass Scanning allows for an adiddtionla layer of traceability and intelligence.
Utilize Interactive Dashboards
Live indicators showing kery operation information allows for real-time decision making. Potential upcoming challenges can now be managed and avoided before they occur.