Webinar 2 recording is now available
On the 16th June 2020, Program Director at Open Doors Organization, Laurel Van Horn delivered a webinar to a wide reaching audience of PRM stakeholders.
Founded in 2000, the Chicago-based non-profit, aims to to create a society in which persons with disabilities have equal opportunities as consumers. Addressing the need for key service changes in a COVID-19 environment Laurel broadly address the key alterations to service being applied across the globe, including:
- Sanitizing wheelchairs after each use
- Use of electric carts where/when possible
- Masks and sometimes gloves for personnel
- Temperature checks for personnel
- Ready availability of hand sanitizers
- Masks/face covering for travelers required at some airports and by some airlines
- Temperature checks at some airports for travelers
The webinar explored various aspects of accessible travel, examining existing and innovative solutions to improve the safety and independence of a variety of passengers, including passengers with vision loss and hearing loss
The webinar was attended by 72 PRM stakeholders, including:
ACI World, Acta Non Verba, AENA, Air Canada, Air New Zealand, Airlines for America, Amadeus sas, Antikythera Technologies, British airways, Broward County Aviation Department, Butterfly Consulting, CAA, CCR Airports, CGS Customer Ground Service, City of Phoenix Aviation Department, Doncaster Sheffield Airport, easyTravelseat, EuroAirport Bale-Mulhouse, European Commission, FAA, Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, Fraport Greece, Huntleigh USA Corporation, IATA, ICTS Europe, IDEALCOOP, SCS ONLUS, ios Partners, Metropolitan Airports Commission – MSP Airport, Novability, OCS Group UK Ltd, Onet, Qatar Aviation Services, Sea Milano Group, Sea società Esercizi Aeroportuali, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Skywise Solutions Ltd, Transport Canada, UK CAA, Welcome Airport Services Ltd. and WestJet. [download_after_email id=”1701″]
Job Functions
Accessibility Manager, Acting Director, National External Operations, Office of Civil Rights, ADA Coordinator, Agent Director, Airport Volunteer Program Coodinator, ARFFS Station commander, Assistant Director External Affairs, Assistant Director of Customer Experience, Assistant General Counsel, CEO, Chairman, Counsel, Customer Regulatory & Resolution, Customer Care Policy Manager, Duty Manager, EVP, Head of Assets & Landside Operations, Head of Department, Head of PRM Services, Head of Terminal and Passenger Operations, International Project Manager, Legal Officer, Policy Advisor, Policy and Enforcement Adviser, PRM & Terminal Manager, PRM Service Manager, Program Coordinator, Program Manager, Senior Adviser, Consumer Policy and Enforcement, Senior Manager Accessibility, Senior Manager Regulatory Affairs, Senior Manager, Facilitation and Services, Terminal management, VI/ADA Program Manager, Vice President of Strategy and VP Operations